Many people start out as couch potatoes who quickly realize their lifestyle is having a negative impact on their lives, so they turn to fitness and end up wanting a career in the industry! Fitness can be truly addictive, whether just a hobby or a career. Many people now want to qualify as personal trainers, but there are different qualifications and knowledge needed depending on who you hope to work with and what specialities you hope to have. It’s crucial you know exactly what you have to do so you can end up exactly where you want to be.


Entering The Industry

You enter the industry by completing a certificate 3 in fitness, before advancing to a certificate 4 and finally, a diploma.You may not decide to complete all three, but this will depend on various factors. The time you have, your budget, and the role you want will all play a part, not to mention any qualifications and experience that you may already have to your name.


Working In A Gym

If you’d like to work in a gym environment, perhaps leading a group class, then you will need a certificate 3, and you can stop there.You will have the knowledge needed and learn about a variety of methods and their impact on the body. You’ll get the skills needed to run group classes, make sure somebody is fit to work out, write programs, and adapt them to suit different environments and needs.


Launching A Business In The Fitness Industry

If your goal is to launch a business in the fitness industry, a certificate 4 is your next step. You will gain a much broader understanding of fitness, and gain knowledge on what to do to start your business. You will have all the practical knowledge required to work as a professional personal trainer after completing this course.

You will also have the knowledge required to work with specialist groups of people, offer one on one training, and assess posture/prescribe corrective exercise.


Working In A Managerial Role

Once you have gained 12 months experience in the industry, you can decide to undertake the Diploma in fitness. With this under your belt, you will be well equipped to develop networks with all manner of people, including qualified medical professionals to help people with injuries, or to work in a more managerial role within the fitness industry.

You will gain skills in PTing and instructing advanced exercise programs, helping to prevent injuries. You will be able to apply for roles in many facilities, from fitness centres and aquatic facilities to open spaces and community facilities.


Which Path Should You Choose?

Each course offers a different career outcome, so you should have a good idea of where you’d like to be before making up your mind. Wherever you want to end up, you must be prepared to start with the lower level courses. Consider your passions; do you like group sessions, or water based exercise? Take your time to make the right decision!