It’s fair to say that you live for fitness! You’re a near-permanent fixture in your local gym. You’ve dedicated years of your life to achieving your health and fitness goals. With the help of the instructors at your gym and your own personal research, reading and experimentation, you’ve slowly but surely sculpted yourself into the person you want to be physically, psychologically and intellectually. Through your fitness you’ve grown enormously as a person. It’s been the greatest gift you could have given yourself. It’s therefore only natural that you would want to give that same gift to others in your life.
You’re always found sharing fitness and nutrition tips with friends and family members, or exchanging routines with others at the gym or even engaging with the wider fitness community online. But what if you could make money from sharing your knowledge and passion with others? What if you could get paid (and well paid) to help people from all walks of life to be the best that they can be?
Is that a pipe dream? Or is it a possibility? At The College Of Health And Fitness, we’ve made it our mission to help fitness enthusiasts become fitness professionals. If you have the passion and tenacity to make a living from fitness, we can furnish you with the knowledge, skills and qualifications.
Here are 5 ways in which we can help you to become a fitness professional…
Certificate III in Fitness
The Certificate III in Fitness is designed to give you everything you need to start an exciting career as a fitness instructor in a range of specialisms. Through a combination of practical on-the-job learning and theoretical research, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to go from fitness enthusiast to fitness pro.
In this course, participants learn about everything from creating courses of fitness and nutrition in line with the needs of specific groups to caring for and maintaining gym equipment. On this course you’ll learn about human anatomy and how to leverage this knowledge to create accessible yet challenging fitness courses.
With 9 core units and 7 elective units you’ll also be able to tailor your learning to a preferred specialism whether that’s gym specialism, aqua specialism or group exercise specialism.Whether you want to become a gym instructor or co-ordinate engaging yet challenging group activities, this is the course for you.
A Certificate III in fitness is considered the key that unlocks a career in fitness, and is a great qualification in its own right. However, many with this certificate also find themselves undertaking other courses to round out their knowledge and skill sets. For example…
Certificate III in Business
Dream of someday running your very own gym? You’ll need a clear understanding of how businesses work to supplement your knowledge and understanding of fitness. Running your own gym is an incredibly rewarding way to make a living, but it’s also extremely challenging and required many different sets of skills.
With a Certificate III in business, we can help you to gain the administrative skills that will be invaluable in running the business side of things as well as the fitness side, and develop the skills which will help you to run a successful and popular gym.
You’ll learn everything from the proper preparation of business documents to processing payroll as well as delivering and monitoring the kind of quality customer service that will make your gym profitable.
Certificate IV in Business
Want to take your business skills to the next level? We’ll be with you every step of the way. Whether you dream of opening your own gym or want to make it big as a freelance personal trainer, it’s essential to supplement your fitness education with robust business learning.
With the Certificate IV in Business you’ll learn vital skills not covered in the Certificate III including building and developing a successful network, making presentations, promoting your products and services, developing a workforce either as teams or individuals, writing complex documents, and developing and applying risk management strategies.
Certificate IV in Weight Management
Many Australians want to lose weight, but they’re going entirely the wrong way about it. With legions of people throwing their money away on dubious detox teas, undertaking dangerous fad diets and neglecting entire food groups, there’s never been a greater need for access to sound reliable weight management advice from knowledgeable and qualified professionals.
With the Certificate IV in Weight Management, you’ll help people to separate the facts from the fiction and help them to address the physical, psychological and lifestyle-related causes of weight gain.
You’ll learn about the relationship between nutrition and anatomy as well as how to carry out weight management consultations with clients. This is the perfect course for those with an interest in nutrition who want to help clients of all kinds undergo their own dramatic weight loss transformations.
There’s never been a better time than now
Australia is staring down the barrel of a health epidemic. More and more people all over the country are facing completely unavoidable health problems as a result of poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, demand for fitness professionals has never been higher. Wouldn’t you like to be one of the fitness pros leading the charge for a fitter, healthier and happier country?
With our plethora of courses, no matter where your unique talents and specialist knowledge lie, you’re bound to find a course that will help you to turn your passion, knowledge and talent into a rewarding career.
Want to know more? Just click here to contact us and get more information about how to sign up to any of our courses.